Ashadeep Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya (B.Ed College) is established in the year 2007, recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra and affiliated to University of Mumbai proposed by Mother Velankani Education Trust. The vision of the College is to provide holistic education to weaker and deprived section in the neighbourhood, irrespective of caste, creed and religion to groom them into enlightened and creative citizen. The mission of the college is to work towards the development of all-round personality of students’ community through curricular, co-curricular and extracurricular activities, to develop a spirit of teamwork and leadership qualities and healthy work culture, to develop moral and values among the teacher students, to have transparency and accountability among all the stakeholders and to use innovative teaching and cut-edge communication in order to achieve our vision.
Ashadeep Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya’s NAAC Inspection has been conducted in the month of October 2023. The primary purpose of NAAC inspection was to evaluate the quality and performance of educational institution. It serves as a mechanism for quality assurance, improvement and recognition in the higher education sector in India. They contribute to the overall development and enhancement of the educational ecosystem by ensuring that institutions meet or exceed established standards.
Date of Visit: 10-10-2023, Tuesday and 11-10-2023, Wednesday.
Duration of Visit: 9.00 am to 5.30 pm.
NAAC Committee Members:
- Chairperson:- Dr. Anil Shukla (Ex.VC, MJP Rohilkhand University)
- Member Co-ordinator:- Dr. Deepak Mehta (Head, School of Physical Education, Devi Ahilya University)
- Member:- Dr. R.C. Patel (Professor, University of Baroda)
On the first day NAAC members arrived at college at 9.00 am and were welcomed through the lazim performance performed by the B.Ed. students. Principal sir honoured them with the token of love. Firstly, they moved ahead towards the IQAC office for the presentation of Principal and IQAC Co-Ordinator. They had an interaction with the faculty members regarding planning and documentation for curriculum delivery, Cross cutting issues integrated into the Curriculum. Secondly, they moved to inspect the infrastructure facilities available at Ashadeep Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya which includes administrative office, Principal office, canteen, visitors room, seminar hall, classroom, library, method room, sports room, gymkhana, computer lab, science lab, psychology lab, curriculum lab, e-learning centre, girls’ common room, boys’ common room and first-aid room.
After this Lunch on meeting was there with the Trustees, Management Principal and IQAC Co-ordinator. After lunch interaction with Students, Alumni & Parents was done. And at the end of the first day cultural program was held by the B.Ed. students between 4.30 to 5.30 pm. Students performed dance, song, mono act, drama and mimicry. NAAC members loved and appreciated the efforts made by the students for the cultural program.
On the second day, members visited to college at 9.00 am and started with the report writing and checking documentary evidence. They were having discussion and modifying the draft of Peer Team Report. After this they had an interaction with the administrative officer, finance officer and non- teaching staff. Short meeting was conducted with the head of the institution and IQAC Co-ordinator regarding the outstanding issues. Lunch was done at 2.00 pm. After lunch they continued their report writing. At 3.00 pm they shared the final report with the head of the institution duly signed by the Peer team members and head of the institution. Exit meeting was held at 4.00 pm which was conducted in seminar hall. Peer members, Management members, Faculty members and all the students were present in the meeting. In this meeting chairperson Prof. Anil Shukla gave a short motivating speech to the students for the guidance of their further career. Vote of thanks was proposed by the IQAC Co-Ordinator Mr. Deep Murzello.
After the visit, the NAAC committee compiled a detailed report that includes findings, recommendations, and a comprehensive accreditation score. Ashadeep Adhyapak Mahavidyalaya (B.Ed. College) is accreditated with 2.06 score with the grade B.